Pattimura Univ. Top Scientists
Pattimura university top scientists are grouped based on the h-index and number of international citations’s papers from Web of Science (ResearcherID) or Scopus Database. Here are the scientists:
[1]. H.I. Elim, Ph.D (FMIPA, UNPATTI, Ambon): h index = 21 with citations ~ > 1600
He has been the 16th best Indonesia Scientist among ~272 Indonesia scientist according to :
a research webomatrics website.
Congratulation to Our PPNRI-LEMLIT Leader: H.I. Elim, Ph.D for his achievement
as the 16th best Indonesia Scientists (
Dr. H.I. Elim in NetScience (
[2]. Dr.rer.nat. G.V. Limmon (Fishery and Marine Faculty, UNPATTI, Ambon) ~ > 900
[3]. In Progress